Medicinal whiskey pushes the limit
Medicinal whiskey to dull the pain after a motorbike crash has landed a man with a drink driving conviction.
Jamie Hugh McLellan, 38, appeared before Judge Campbell Savage in the Ashburton District Court on Monday on a charge of drink driving.
He initially pleaded not guilty because he believed he was not over the limit at the time of the crash. However, he changed in plea to guilty in September.
Judge Savage said McLellan had consumed two stubbies of beer when he went out on a motorbike to catch up with a colleague on a work related matter.
When he was told his help was no longer needed, McLellan tried to turn around, lost control of the bike, and suffered a "horrific" injury to his foot.
The accident happened in a remote area and friends brought McLellan some whiskey to "dull what must have been severe pain" before he was taken to hospital, the judge said.
A blood test at the hospital found McLellan was over the limit.
Judge Savage said McLellan had pleaded guilty because there was no way out of the charge. However, the judge accepted McLellan was likely under the limit when he had the accident.
McLellan was convicted and discharged without further penalty.