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Sports results, November 17

Waireka Croquet Club
Aorangi vs Waireka: Logan McCorkindale 7 vs Graeme Simpson 1; Chris Spittal 7 vs Oscar Baird/Godling o; Reece McCorkindale 7 vs Jamie Perry 3; Gavid Galvin 7 vs Janet Skerrett; Logan McCorkindale 7 vs Oscar Baird/Gosling 4; Chris Spittal 5 vs Graeme Simpson 7; Reece McCorkindale 7 vs Janet Skerrett g; David Galvin 6 vs Jamie Perry 5; Doubles: Chris Spittal & Logan McCorkindale 7 vs Graeme Simpson & Oscar Baird/Gosling 4; Reece McCorkindale & David Galvin 7 vs Jamie Parry & Janet Skerrett 2; Total games won: Waireka 9, Aorangi 1;
Total hoops won: Waireka 6, Aorangi 34.
Intermediate Grade: Waireka Red vs Aorangi White: Singles: Bev Blair 7 vs Judy Houston 3; Audrey Leath 5 vs Lindsey Thompson 7; Colin Lamb 7 vs Peter Rae 4; Bail Benseman 7 vs Gavin Young 5; Bev Blair 7 vs Lindsey Thompson 3; Audrey Leath 5 vs Judy Houston 7; Colin Lamb 7 vs Gavin Young 2; Gail Benseman 4 vs Peter Rae 7: Doubles: Bev Blair & Audrey Leath 3 vs Judy Houston & Lindsey Thompson 7; Colin Lamb & Gail Benseman 7 vs Peter Rae & Gavin Young 6; Total games won: Waireka Red 6, Aorangi White 4: Total hoops: Waireka Red 59; Aorangi White 51.
Waireka White vs Aorangi Blue: Singles: Pauline Scott 5 vs Bob Penty 7; John Davis 7 vs Joyce Jones 5; Eva Kircher 7 vs Gordon Hardacre 5; Joyce Davis 7 vs Dan Stevens 6; Pauline Scott 7 vs Joyce Jones 5; John Davis 7 vs Bob Penty 4; Eva Kircher 7 vs Dan Stevens 5; Joyce Davis 7 vs Gordon Hardacre 5; Doubles: Pauline Scott & John Davis 5 vs Bob Penty & Joyce Jones 7; Eva Kircher & Joyce. Total games won: Waireka White 7; Aorangi Blue 2; Total hoops: Waireka White 66, Aorangi 53.
Primary Grade: Waireka Red vs Awamoa Gardens: Singles: Judith Smith 7 vs Mary Bear 4; Jocelyn Molloy 5 vs Janie Milan 7; Heather Kaye 4 vs Julie Pringle 7; Geoff Beaumont 3 vs Kay Scrivener 7; Judith Smith 3 vs Janie Milan 7; Jocelyn Molloy 3 vs Mary Bear 7; Heather Kaye 7 vs Kay Scrivener 5; Geoff Beaumont 7 vs Julie Pringle 6; Doubles: Judith Smith & Jocelyn Molloy 5 vs Mary Bear & Janie Milan 7; Heather Kaye & Geoff Beaumont 2 vs Julie Pringle & Kay Scrivener 7; Total games Won: Waireka Red 2, Awamoa Gardens 8;
Total hoops: Waireka Red 46; Awamoa Gardens 64.
Waireka White vs West End: Singles: Carol Greer 7 vs Sandra Prue 6; Jan McClelland 3 vs Gins Tackney 7; Jenny Adams 4 vs Kate Cox 7; Gaylene Smith 4 vs Dan Evans 7; Carol Greer 3 vs Gina Tackney 7; Jan McClellend 6 vs Sandra Prue 7; Jenny Adams 3 vs Dan Evans 7; Gaylene Smith 7 vs Kate Cox; Doubles: Carol Greer & Jan McClelland 7 vs Sandra Prue & Gina Tackney 5; Jenny Adams & Gaylene Smith 2 vs 3 vs Kate Cox & Dan Evans 7; Total games won: Waireka White 3, West End 7; Total hoops: Waireka White 46; West End 62.

Ashburton Bowling Club
Milsom Cup Triples – Sunday, November 20. 10am start, 9:30am cup of tea. Our grateful thanks to our sponsors, Patersons Funeral Services. Whites of club colours to be worn.
The following skips have teams entered; G Eder, R Gutbertlet, M Hill, Hinds 1, Hinds 2, Hinds 3, T Inwood, C Kellett, B Mayson, A Miller, L Muir, B Osborne, M Skilling, K Walker, 1 reserve. Another team wanted. For information contact G Eder 3077498.