Fire protection measures for village

The huts at Lake Clearwater now have firebreak protection thanks to a collaborative effort between the hut holder community and Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ).
A sprinkler line has been installed to the west of the village to protect the Lake Clearwater village from potential wildfires driven by nor'west winds.
Mid Canterbury senior advisor for risk reduction Don Geddes said the need for some form of fire break was identified back in 2010 or 2011, before FENZ existed.
A tactical management plan was drawn up for various areas in Mid Canterbury, including the high country, to meet the requirements of the National Rural Fire Authority.
The plans identified potential risks and mitigations to ensure a timely response to fires. One of the mitigations on the list for the Lake Clearwater village was a firebreak to provide protection from the potential risk of wildfires.
Over the years, many of the mitigations were actioned, but the fire break was not among them.
Three years ago, the local council initiated discussions with FENZ and the hut holders at Lake Clearwater to create an emergency plan for the village.
"All the unactioned plans were carried across - and the fire break was back on the agenda."
Geddes said they settled on a sprinkler system because it was environmentally acceptable and easy to maintain.
The sprinkler required various consents before it could go ahead, including Environment Canterbury consent to take water from Lake Clearwater and an agreement with the Department of Conservation about where the sprinkler would be laid.
FENZ is hosting an event at Lake Clearwater on Friday to thank all the agencies involved in successful collaboration to get the project over the line.
In addition to protecting the village, the sprinkler would protection the public conservation land adjacent to the village from a fire starting within the village, Geddes said.
By Sharon Davis