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Car thief leaves family stranded

Car thief leaves family stranded

A couple with a three-month old child have pleaded for their car to be returned after it was stolen last week.

Sammy Jayne went to take her partner to work, but was greeted by an empty driveway on Tuesday morning instead.

“We only have my car, I’ve got to drop him off at work and everything.

“We were just about to drop him off, we walked out the door and it wasn’t where it should be.”

“My car was parked up the driveway.”

Neither of them remember hearing the car start during the night, and there were no glass shards or evidence of a smashed window.

“It’s got a bit of a noise to it when it starts, we didn’t hear anything, so we’re not sure how they managed to take it.”

Along with the vehicle, the thief took off with Jayne’s shoes and clothes left in the car, as well as the base for a child seat.

“We’ve got the capsule, but the base of the capsule was in the car.”

Jayne has walked into town over the last week, which “is not bad, but a car would be helpful,” - especially when they have a three-month old to look after.

Her partner has been able to get rides from the neighbour so far.

“They’ve dropped him to work and picked him up for the last few days, but from [Friday afternoon] onwards my neighbour’s busy.”

His job is an hour’s walk from their place.

Jayne said she just wants the car back.

“I’m gonna be surprised as to how they managed to take it.

“And why they took it, especially seeing the car seat in there, I thought they would have just left it.”

But she’s concerned it’s already beyond Mid Canterbury.

“My friend has had a car stolen, and he said most cars stolen in Ashburton go north, up to Christchurch.

“So I’m assuming that’s where my car’s gone.”

Mazda Axelas were the tenth most stolen car in New Zealand last year, according the the recently released AMI insurance data.

Toyota Aquas were the most stolen - for the third year in a row - with Toyota Corollas and Nissan Tiida coming in at second and third.

Make: Mazda

Model: 2005 Axela

Colour: Blue

Number Plate: GNM828

Contact the police on 105 if you've seen this car.