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Ashburton finalises rep review

Ashburton finalises rep review

Ashburton’s representation review has been signed off without any appeals and now the attention turns to Environment Canterbury’s contentious review.

The only changes for local body elections next year in the Ashburton District are some minor boundary changes.

There is an extension of the Ashburton Ward boundary to include the Trevors Road area and the Methven Community Board boundary was also extended to include recent developments. The board will also retain five members after initially proposing a reduction to four.

The proposal had no appeals or objections so locks in the arrangements for the next triennial election, to be held on October 11.

Environment Canterbury’s final representation review is open to appeals or objections until November 25.

ECan ended up only making some minor boundary adjustments to the Christchurch City constituencies in its representation review, having previously proposed merging the Ashburton District with the South Canterbury councils and leaving Selwyn District as a stand-alone constituency.

Status quo was a preferred outcome for the Ashburton District Council, which had submitted against being moved into the South Canterbury constituency.

Democracy and engagement group manager Toni Durham said the council will consider if it would make any appeal or objection at the November 20 council meeting.

Selwyn District Council remains joined with the Ashburton District for the next election cycle, but several ECan councillors noted the continued population growth of Selwyn will have to be addressed when the next council considers representation review.

By Jonathan Leask