International Women's Day: 2023 FMG Young Farmer of the Year Emma Poole

Why is so important for women to be represented in the primary industry?
Like any industry, diversity in the work force brings different people with different skills. In agriculture, and farming in particular you need a range of skills to complete the tasks at hand - which both men and women deliver in different ways! In terms of representation, there are so many wonderful women out there already involved in the industry, but they are often behind the farm gate putting in the hard work and not necessarily in the spotlight! That’s why this win has been such an amazing opportunity for me as I have been able to help shine the spotlight on the wonderful work that is already being done.
What obstacles are there for women in agriculture, and how can we remove those obstacles?
The biggest obstacle is often yourself. If you are willing to put yourself out there and give things a go most people will admire that and give you a chance. Giving woman confidence by encouraging and supporting one another is how we will progress forward and remove those obstacles.
What advice would have for young women who want to give the FMG Young Farmer of the Year a try?
What are you waiting for?! The first time I ever competed I was so nervous and thought I would make a fool out of myself. Turns out no one cares as much as you do! A few years down the track and here I am talking to the media off the back of winning the contest. Get out there and get stuck in and you will be surprised what you know/can achieve.
As told to Claire Inkson