Hinds sharemilkers third in NZ awards

A Hinds sharemilking couple won several awards at this year’s dairy industry awards.
The national winners were announced at an award ceremony in Auckland on Saturday.
Jonathon and Stacey Hoets milk 760 cows on a 178ha Hinds property where they have a 20% equity share with John and Kelly Nicholls.
They won the Share Farmers of the Year award for Canterbury and North Otago earlier this year, and went on to place third in the national awards on Saturday.
The Hoets also won the Honda Farm Safety, Health & Biosecurity Award along with $24,000 in prizes.
It was the Hoets’ third time entering the awards.
They were described as a practical and innovative couple who had good systems and processes in place.
The judges said the Hoets’ used technology to their advantage. This included GPS co-ordinates and collars for their cows and the use of apps.
Judge Steve Canton said the couple had a strong focus on health and safety.
“An example of this is the multiple PPE points they have stationed around the farm, to ensure it’s available and able to be used when required,” he said.
The judges said the Hoets’ also had an excellent emergency response plan which included a response to adverse weather events.
- By Sharon Davis